AGAPE is a non-lucrative association who works in a multidimensional way in the care of Vulnerable Children in order to facilitate the optimisation of their social, educational, professional status and their integration into society.

We offer them a safe environment far from the dangers of the street; to live in, rest, study, relax and socialize.
We foster community life and respect

We focus on all round growth and development.

Play and creativity are the bed-rock in child development

About Agape Association:

We are an association founded by dynamic women and men with the love of God (AGAPE). The association AGAPE was created on May 10, 2013 with the objective of setting up and managing a Centre for the supervision of street children. It obtained its approval on July 18, 2017 from the State of Cameroon as a PSO (Private Social Work) in accordance with the ARRÊTÉ N ° 2017 / AS / 0022 / A / MINAS / CAB /IG / I2 of July 18, 2017 bearing definitive authorization for the opening and operation of the Private Social Work named "CENTRE AGAPE". Proof that AGAPE meets the requirements of the ministry in charge of government policy on safeguarding the interests of the child.




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Image of the Center

The association Agape inaugurated its new center on October 29, 2021 in Japoma, Douala, by cutting the official ribbon. This was done in front of an audience of guests including administrative authorities, representatives of business leaders, neighbors and other personalities. 

The new headquarters will be a vital resource for the Agape Association, enabling it to continue to support hundreds of street children living in poverty in Douala, by providing them with food, education and dormitories. The association, which is run entirely by volunteers, has helped more than 40 street children since its inception.



OUR MAIN PARTNER: The French association SOLENCA, SOLidarité ENfance CAmeroun, created in 2006, aims to help with health, education, schooling and more generally to improve the living conditions of children in Cameroon.

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